The Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Process
1. Local Planning Committee Formation
Coordinated by DOS, state agencies (DOS, HCR, ESD and others) work with local officials and Regional Council members to identify stakeholders and community representatives to serve on the Local Planning Committee (LPC). The Secretary of State issues invitations to participate as LPC members.
2. Community Engagement
Inclusive community engagement is vital to successful DRI planning and implementation. The public will be kept informed of progress and invited to proactively contribute ideas throughout the development of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative. Notices of public meetings, events, and opportunities to provide feedback will be posted on this website and publicized through print, media, and online channels. Please check back regularly for updates.
3. Goals, Vision, and Strategies
Guiding framework for the DRI Strategic Investment Plan is developed by the LPC with public feedback. Goals identify conceptual ideas that DRI Plan should address.
4. Priority Projects
Key projects are identified to advance the vision/goals and leverage additional investment. Priority Projects are organized by Goal to ensure that the DRI Plan addresses core objectives. Projects identified & vetted by the local committee & public
5. DRI Final Plan
DRI Strategic Investment Plan written by consultants with DRI Team & public input and submitted to the State. Projects included in the Strategic Investment Plan will be evaluated by state agencies for alignment with state and local goals; project readiness; catalytic effect; secondary benefits; and cost effectiveness.
6. Implementation
Projects from each community will be evaluated by the State & selected for funding. The Governor will make an announcement on funded projects. State staff will work with project sponsors to execute project agreements and manage DRI contracts. For more info, visit https://www.ny.gov/programs/downtown-revitalization-initiative
Local Planning Committee
The Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) accomplishes its goals through a unique state-local partnership that includes the Local Planning Committee (LPC), state agency staff, and a consultant team. The LPC is responsible for representing the interests and priorities of the community, while the state agency staff ensures that the process and deliverables are consistent with the goals, priorities, and requirements of the initiative.
The LPC is made up of local and regional leaders, stakeholders and community representatives. Each LPC is led by two co-chairs consisting of the local elected official (or his or her designee) and a member of the Regional Economic Development Council (REDC). The full list of members is listed below, including the other community representatives that have been invited to participate by the Secretary of State
Mayor Dennis Siry co-chair
Theresa Sanders co-chair
Jim Morgo
Mia Jealous-Dank
Joan Donnison
Marcus Duffin
Jennifer Ronzo
Warren Cohn
Andy Powell
Fr. Randolph Jon Geminder
Alex Gonzalez
Donna Matone
Joanne Fisk
Andy Ayodeji
Leslie Kretz
Michael O’Neill
Richard Zimmer
Michael Esposito
Vision Statement and Goals
As part of the DRI application, communities must provide a brief statement of their vision for downtown revitalization. At the start of the planning process, the Local Planning Committee (LPC) will review the initial vision and make modifications if desired to best reflect the unique characteristics of the downtown. Goals and strategies will be established to help achieve the community’s vision for downtown revitalization. Goals should be detailed, attainable, and action-oriented with measurable strategies that will guide the implementation of the DRI vision.
Based on the downtown vision and goals, consultants will guide the LPC in development of creative and ambitious strategies and projects to direct future development and investment in the downtown to realize its vision and goals. Projects that are recommended for implementation using DRI funds, whether included in the community’s DRI application or identified by the LPC during the planning process.
The Village envisions its Downtown as a thriving, vibrant, and walkable mixed-use downtown corridor, defined by the area’s unique nautical culture, pedestrian-friendly environment, and historic charm. Downtown Amityville will be known for its culture, art, diversity, food and entertainment, and family- friendly recreational opportunities.
With improved access to the surrounding transportation network, Downtown Amityville will be better connected to housing, recreation, and job opportunities throughout the region, encouraging sustainable economic growth.
By investing in mixed-use and multi-family housing neighborhoods, Downtown Amityville will attract professionals seeking to live, work and raise a family in a suburban, but walkable environment.
Through our collaboration, we can infuse capital into Downtown Amityville and attract future investments that will spur economic growth and opportunity within the Village for decades to come.
Goal 1 - Support connectivity, beautification, and walkability of pedestrian environment through functional streetscapes, safer roadways and intersections, and revitalized public realm
Goal 2 - Promote future investments to enhance the unique business environment and sense of place in Downtown Amityville
Goal 3 - Improve the Amityville LIRR station and strengthen its linkages with downtown amenities and surrounding workplaces
Goal 4 - Leverage the Village’s existing Transit- Oriented and Planned Residential zoning districts to create a balance of new housing for seniors, professionals, and young families
Goal 5 - Catalyze the redevelopment of underutilized and unoccupied propertiesGoal 6 - Create vibrant spaces for arts, cultural, and recreational activities and programming that serve the local community and attract visitors from around the region.
Get Involved.
Keep up to date.
The LPC will meet once a month from February 2022 to June 2022. All LPC meetings are open to the public, with time reserved at the end of each meeting for a Public Commnet. Please check back prior to each meeting for Zoom login or location information. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all meetings are being held virtually via Zoom.