DRI Projects Announced
Eleven Downtown Revitalization Projects Enhance the Village's Walkability and Connectivity and Expand Business and Housing Opportunities to Create a Vibrant and Diverse Downtown
Amityville will receive $10 million in funding as the Long Island region winners of the fifth round of the
New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).
As part of DRI Round 5, each of the state's 10 regional economic development regions are being awarded $20 million, to make for a total state commitment of $200 million in funding and investments to help communities boost their post COVID-19 economies by transforming downtowns into vibrant neighborhoods.
Amityville will receive $10 million in funding as the Long Island region winners of the fifth round of the
New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).
As part of DRI Round 5, each of the state's 10 regional economic development regions are being awarded $20 million, to make for a total state commitment of $200 million in funding and investments to help communities boost their post COVID-19 economies by transforming downtowns into vibrant neighborhoods.
Amityville will receive $10 million in funding as the Long Island region winners of the fifth round of the
New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).
As part of DRI Round 5, each of the state's 10 regional economic development regions are being awarded $20 million, to make for a total state commitment of $200 million in funding and investments to help communities boost their post COVID-19 economies by transforming downtowns into vibrant neighborhoods.
DRI Projects Announced
Eleven Downtown Revitalization Projects Enhance the Village's Walkability and Connectivity and Expand Business and Housing Opportunities to Create a Vibrant and Diverse Downtown
DRI Past Meetings
To catch up on past meetings and events, please visit the Documents section of the website.
Welcome to Amityville
With a downtown that is compact, walkable, and close to the train station, Amityville wants to make their downtown one of the premier destinations on Long Island defined by its unique waterfront culture and historic charm. Momentum is building in Amityville with multiple completed and ongoing projects, including a pedestrian and bike lane project, multiple residential developments, and multiple mixed-use developments. To build on this momentum, Amityville wants to revitalize their train station and its immediate surrounding area, increase pedestrian/bike access, and expand green space.
About the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI)
The Downtown Revitalization Initiative launched in 2016 to accelerate and expand the revitalization of downtowns and neighborhoods in all ten regions of the state to serve as centers of activity and catalysts for investment. Led by the Department of State, the initiative represents an unprecedented and innovative plan-to-act strategy that couples strategic planning with immediate implementation, bringing with it an interagency team of state experts to support local government capacity in realizing their community's vision.
Downtown redevelopment plays a critical role in the State's nation-leading efforts to support sustainable economic development, reverse climate change, and promote climate justice by creating walkable, bikeable and transit-accessible communities that significantly reduce automobile use and greenhouse gas emissions.
The initiative is headed by New York State Department of State. Communities receive support from private sector experts and a team of state agency staff led by the Department of State in close partnership with Empire State Development, and state Homes and Community Renewal.
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